Hello there, around these parts, I’m called Tempest Riddle, upcoming bard and all around jaunty lass. I have embarked on a new start to my life and I thought it would be quite the pip to put some of my stories down. I won’t start at the beginning, as no one needs to hear all of that rather dull epilogue. But I will begin now, to tell my tale as my new life begins. One of music, of travel and of a bit of mayhem if I’m to be honest.
I hope you’ll enjoy following along.

Bard – Dungeons and Dragons – by ClintCearly
So I’m on my way through a town I’ve visited before. Brekskand has always been a tough place for a performer to make a decent living, but I owe a debt to a holy man called Father Temperance. More than a debt, I owe my life. So when he called, I came.
See, since helping to free me and get my career and stage persona started a few months ago, I have been working for the Church of Light. But not the one the people in The Blessed Lands attend. He brought me from a very dark place and showed me the Light as it was meant to be followed.
He asked me to journey with a man who was going to be carrying an item that would tempt the corrupted church and likely be quite dangerous should someone with the wrong intentions come upon it. So I met Henrick, the bookish older fellow from the library and his defender, Serenity, the brawny tiefling gal who is far too self concerned for someone of her prowess.
We will be leaving town today and heading a few weeks travel to try and meet up with an ally of Father Temperance who might have an idea of how to protect this disgusting flesh-covered book with three eyes. I hope the journey is quick, as I have little desire to be with this cursed thing long and I have my own story to tell.
May the Light bless us all on this travel.

This is my ic beginning recording the tale of our Monday night D&D 5th ed game from the perspective of my character, Tempest Riddle.
I’m a couple months behind, but I’m going to try and condense my hand written journal from game into these blog posts until I get caught up.
I hope it’s mildly entertaining and hope to see you back here soon!